Displaying items by tag: cultural

Wednesday, 24 June 2020 22:59

مرد کشاورز

مرد کشاورز بختیاری. یکی از زحت کش ترین مردمان این خطه که همیشه با محصولات خوشمزه خودشون و با دست رنج فراوان ما رو بهره مند ساختند. کار در مزرعه کاری بس دشوار است که به صبر و بردباری زیادی نیاز دارد. مردم این خطه چهارمحال بختیاری بسیار مهربان و دوست داشتنی هستند و همیشه پذیرایی رهگذران و بازدیدکنندگانی چون من بوده اند. به امید بازگشت مدیریت و توجه به کشاورزی در ایران. 

 The Farmer from the Bakhtirari region. Working in Farms have never been easy. There is the heat of sun, lack of equipment, concerns about water and pests, Crows, Animals and all kind of things which can go wrong. The people of this region : Chahar Mahal Bakhtiari are warm hearted and always welcome visitors and photographers like me. I wish them the best


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Thursday, 15 March 2018 14:59

Esfahan- The Pearl of Persia (Part I)

The 17th century Safavid capital referred to as “Nesf-e-Jahan” (Half the World) by  the Persians, is where today, the climax of Persian architecture can be witnessed in the serene purity of its grandiose mosques and elegant palaces. The ancient city gained political significance under the mighty Saljuqs in 11th and 12th centuries. The superb congregational Mosque of Esfahan dates mainly from this glorious period, having many earlier parts and later additions, earning it the title “the encyclopedia of Persian Mosque”. The great Safavid monarch, Shah Abbas I, moved his capital to Esfahan in 1598, where he lay out a new city center with a vast central square adorned on each side with a remarkable monument, the majestic Imam and Sheikh Lotf-o-LLah Mosque, the reception and gateway palace of Ali-Qapu, and the Qeisarieh Bazaar.

Published in Historical sites
Tuesday, 26 September 2017 08:28

غروب گند کاووس ، اینچه برون

گنبد کاووس اینچه برون ، شمالی ترین منطقه استان گلستان است كه دارای چهار تالاب: الما گل -الا گل-اجی گل و اینچه  ميباشد. اين منطقه معمولا خشك و گرم است ولی

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